Nestled amidst the thriving community of White Rock, Ipswich lies this charming property by the renowned Gallery Group. Presenting the Co-Living Elmwood Estate, a haven built around family principles, harmoniously merging vibrant city life whilst preserving the tranquility of suburban living.
The property boasts a 3-bed, 3-bath, and 2-car garage layout, efficiently spread across 182m² of home space and an overall block size of 396m². A closer look reveals:
• 2550mm nominal ceiling height
• AAA-rated water-saving shower heads/tapware
• Complementary blend of carpet and vinyl plank flooring, excluding wet areas
• Insulated walls and roof for optimal energy savings
• Well-designed walk-in robe, amply sized for convenient storage
The affordable price doesn't compromise on quality, offering aspirational homeowners a chance at a beautiful property, without the worry of large deposits. Your journey with Elmwood isn't just a smart financial move – it's a commitment to a blossoming community that cherishes and upholds family values.
It's time to climb the property ladder without hesitation! Prepare yourself financially and bask in the solidarity and assurance of pre-approval for this promising property. Start visualising your future in this ideally situated, high-quality home, because you deserve to partake in this flourishing community. Embrace the chance to truly live at Co-Living Elmwood, where a house becomes a home.
When you buy a property through PublicSquare or switch to a mortgage after renting-to-own, you can use any broker or lender of your choice. However, it's always good to get a second opinion. Our Connective™️ referral partners can help you source a mortgage from all major bank, and non-bank, lenders. They specialize in securing finance for brand new properties.
Gallery Group, with 12 years in the industry, over 500 staff and contractors, and 23 successful developments, offers a comprehensive and bespoke client experience. Since its inception, the company has constructed over 3,000 homes and prides itself on connecting clients' dreams to reality. Gallery Group is unique in offering a full spectrum of services, from land development and home building to property management, ensuring attention to detail at every stage. The company's commitment to its clients extends beyond just constructing luxury properties; it's about inspiring and creating a way of life. With $4B+ in delivered value, Gallery Group stands as a testament to its dedication and success in the architectural space.
When you choose rent-to-own, Raine & Horne Elite or a similar quality agency. will be responsible for maintaining your property, and managing your weekly payments.